Title: 1916
Author: Alan Tucker
Published: 2016
ISBN: 9781743622490
The artillery bombardment did not let up for days.
How anyone, on either side, could still be alive, was beyond me.
The stream of casualties soon turned into a river–a raging, flooded river.
The 'cooee' call to arms takes Syd from the Mallee to the fields of France. As part of the mobile veterinary unit, his horses are trained for war, but face new and deadly weapons.
Battle-weary diggers, shipped from Gallipoli and joined by fresh recruits from home, are met by a formidable enemy at Fromelles and along the River Somme, in a year that will be forged in legend and memory, in the trenches and the conscription battles at home.
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Willunga painter and children's writer Alan Tucker attended three public schools and Flinders University, and has worked part-time at the Open Access College, Adelaide. Tucker was the May Gibbs writer-in-residence at the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, in July 2005. He lives in Willunga with his wife and two children and is an active member of the local football club.