Title: Do You Know Me?
Author: Libby Scott & Rebecca Westcott
Published: 01/08/2020
ISBN: 9780702300950
View the first novel in the series, Can You See Me?, here.
Tally has felt far more comfortable being herself ever since her classmates found out that she is autistic, but the end-of-year trip has arrived, and it will last an entire week. It will be her longest overnight trip ever. She worries about the bugs, whether she'll sleep, and how her dog, Rupert, will fare without her. Upon arrival, she receives bad news: rather than bunking with her friend Aleksandra, she'll be stuck with her former friends and two other girls from a different school who reject her straightaway.
Will Tally be able to make new friends?
Rebecca Westcott is an English primary school teacher and author. She published her first novel, Dandelion Clocks, in 2014. Can You See Me? is her US debut.
Co-author Libby Scott was only eleven years old when she collaborated with Westcott on this project. She drew upon her experiences growing up with autism to inspire this project.
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