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Class Sets: The Children of Mirrabooka

The Children of Mirrabooka

Title: The Children of Mirrabooka

Author: Judith Arthy

Originally published: 03/03/1997

ISBN: 9780140381672

About the text

Suddenly I was at the edge of a clearing and before me lay the dark mirror of the rock pool. I had no time to catch my breath when the voice I had followed became a scream that filled the void with terror.

Summer at Mirrabooka with a cantankerous aunt is not Jenny's idea of a great holiday. But things don't turn out quite as she expects.

There are whispers of a tragedy long ago and Jenny becomes aware that someone - or something - mysterious inhabits the old house. Who is the figure that appears to her, which no one will talk about> And what is the taboo surrounding the forbidden rock pool?

From back cover.

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About the author

Judith Arthy, born in 1940, is a retired Australian actress and author. She acted in theatre, television and film. She retired after 1978, becoming an English and drama teacher at a Brisbane secondary school. She released her two novels, Goodbye Goldilocks and The Children of Mirrabooka in 1984 and 1997 respectively. Arthy returned to the stage one final time 2002 in Peta Murray's Salt.


  • Australian history
  • The Stolen Generation