Title: Where the Wilderness Lives
Author: Jess Butterworth
Published: 02/04/2020
ISBN: 9781510105508
An epic race for survival that follows four children and their dog through treacherous waterways, dense forests and the deep, dark wilderness of Wales.
One day, as Cara and her siblings are trying to clean up the canal where they live, they pull out a mysterious locked safe. Though none of them can open it, they're sure it's something special.
That night, a thief comes after the safe. The children flee, traveling with their boat as far as they can, before continuing into the forest on foot. But soon they're lost in the mountains with a snowstorm about to land and food supplies running low.
Will Cara and her siblings be able to survive the wilderness with nothing but their wits, their bravery and one very large dog to help?
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Jess spent her childhood between the UK and India, and grew up hearing stories about the Himalayas from her grandmother. She's lived in India and even met with the Dalai Lama. She studied creative writing at Bath Spa and after a few years living in Louisiana, is now back in the UK, where she lives with her husband and daughter.