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Class Sets: The Raven's Song

The Raven's Song

Title: The Raven's Song

Author: Zana Fraillon and Bren MacDibble

Published: 05/10/22

ISBN: 9781761065798


  • Climate change
  • Environmentalism
  • Child sacrifice
  • Pandemics

About the text

Shelby and her best friend Davy live quiet low-tech lives in a closed community that is made up of exactly three hundred and fifty kind, ethical people living on exactly seven hundred hectares. When they climb through a hole in the perimeter fence to venture into the surrounding jungle, what they find is more astonishing than anything they could have imagined. And when Shelby realises the terrible danger that is unfolding, it will take all of her daring and determination to ensure the past does not repeat itself. (From back cover.)

The Raven's Song is a middle grade novel with a strong environmental theme. There are two perspective characters, separated by time, each written by one author. Shelby, a twelve-year-old girl written by MacDibble, lives in a future where humanity is divided into rigid townships where they live modest, low-tech lives in order to let the Earth recover from climate crises of the past. Frillon's character, Phoenix, is a young boy who lives a hundred years prior to Shelby's time. He sees strange visions of a raven during nights and of his dead mother during the day.

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About the author

Bren MacDibble is an author of children's and young adult fiction. She uses the MacDibble name for her children's stories and Cally Black for her young adult fiction. Born and raised in New Zealand, she has now resided in Australia for over twenty years. She was raised on the land and has an interest in natural environments.

Zana Frillon is an Australia children's and young adult fiction writer. She has published eleven books and is known for writing about human rights abuses. Her work The Bone Sparrow won an Amnesty CLIP Honour.

An interview with the authors.