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Class Sets: Being Jimmy Baxter

Being Jimmy Baxter

Title: Being Jimmy Baxter

Author: Fiona Lloyd

Published: 04/07/2023

ISBN: 9781760148515

About the text

It’s not eggsactly easy being Jimmy Baxter 'cause:

  • The real Jimmy's hiding inside
  • Ned Kelly’s giving him the evil eye
  • Mum’s stopped going to work and stays in bed
  • There’s no eggs in the fridge — or anything else.

AND there’s new jobs, bad-at-school brains and a whole lot of trouble called Duke.

But then . . . there’s Mac.

A gently funny yet powerful coming-of-age middle grade novel about surviving the odds, unlikely friendships and the magical music of Elvis.

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About the author

Fiona was born in the beautiful North-East of England near picturesque countryside, windswept beaches and the vibrant cultural city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. She dreamed of writing in a cosy country cottage and of life as a theatre actress but, as it often does, life got in the way.

Amongst her myriad of interesting jobs, Fiona was a television colourist on Home & AwayThis is Greece and Secrets of Britain’s Great Cathedrals. In 2020, Fiona became a founding member of the Central Coast’s Words on the Waves Writers Festival, and now works as the Children and Young People's Program Manager.


  • Family violence
  • Depression
  • Bullying
  • Friendship